Media Release

Canada, Dec 11 : On Dec.7th 2008 a delegation of prominent Christian Community members of India and Pakistan orgin met Hon. Minister Jason Kenny, Minister for Immigration & Multiculturalism. The delegation expressed their concerns and challenges regarding persecution of minority communities in their respective homelands and how the Canadian Government & Immigration can help out these communities on an international level.

Ms. Melissa Bhagat, Conservative candidate of Mississauga Cooksville, Canada organised this conference and created a platform for the members of this delegate to voice their concerns and opinions in a frank round table discussion with the minister.

Canara World Foundation Inc.

Canara World Foundation Inc.

Canara World Foundation Inc.

Mr. Max Mendes President of Canaraworld Foundation Inc. represented the Indian Christian community along with Mr. Vijay Dante, a prominent Mangalorean business person in Canada.

The Indian delegation raised important issues like violation of human rights in India, religious persecution, delay in visa processing, opening up more satellite visa posts in India and streamlining visiting visa process and issuance of visitor visas to the performing artists coming from smaller ethnic backgrounds, more specifically Konkani artists.

Dr. Alfred Asimi a representative of the Pakistani delegation gave an educative presentation of the current scenario of the minority Christian community of Pakistan. He presented their challenges and gave several recommendations to process the applications of these minorities in a faster and more efficient manner. Other members of the Pakistani delegation and presented their memorandum to the Minister for consideration and prompt action.

The Hon. Minister Kenny, in his response assured the delegates that the Canadian Government will not shun away from their responsibilities in protecting the human rights anywhere in the world. He also assured that he will look into the matter of streamlining the process of immigration during his official tour scheduled in Jan 2009.

The Minister in his closing remarks thanked the delegates for their presentation of the issues concerning their countries and also for making Canada a vibrant multicultural country.

The conference was attended by the following prominent business and community personalities:

Ms.Melissa Bhagat - Conservative Candidate of Mississauga, Canada
Mon.Rev. Fr. Terence D'Souza - Ret. priest from St. Xavier Parish, Mississauga
Dr. Alfred Asimi - Ret. Deputy Dean of Lakehead University of Social Psychologist
Mr. Max Mendes - President of Canara World Foundation Inc.
Mr. Vijay Dante - Microbiologist & Owner of Udupi Madras Cafe, Mississauga
Mr.Javed Dean - Christian Radio Host on A.M.1320
Mrs. Patsy Fernandez - Chairperson of Can Orient Christian Association
Mrs. Romaila Mallo - VP CCA & Small Business owner
Mrs. Rosemarie Menezes - Writing & Public relations
Mr. Obaid Chaudry - President of Canadian Christian Association
Mr. Kashif Dean - Executive CCA Financial Services Professional
Mr. Joseph Dean - Community member
Mr. Don Gonsalves - President, Friends of Iqbal Project
Mr. Roger Samson - Treasurer CCA and Accountant
Mr. John Gill - Executive CCA & Financier

Edited and published by : Canara World Foundation Inc.
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